Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Yesterday each of the students received a grade report, on this report were any missing assignments for the government unit. If a student has any missing assignments they are due today by 2:50. Anything not turned in by then will become a zero.

When we return from break we will be starting our career unit.

Enjoy your holidays!

Monday, December 21, 2009


Wow - That is all I can say - Wow!

I have a room full of projects and they look amazing! They are detailed, neatly done and so creative. Thank you for helping your child do such excellent work. I hope you had fun.

I will post pictures soon.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Finally Friday

Well, it's finally Friday! Today the students took an open note test on government and Washington DC.

Washington DC projects are due Monday. I've already had several projects come in and they look great! I will be posting pictures next week.

On Monday and Tuesday we will be watching a movie. This will be an opportunity for any students with missing work to complete it before the break.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


White House packets are due tomorrow!!

DC projects are due Monday, December 21.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Today we paired up and shared our questions and word finds from Friday. Then we watched a short video about the three branches of government. Well, some hours did, unfortunately technology and I are no longer friends after today!

White House packets are due Thursday. These are worth 91 points.

DC projects are due Monday, Dec 21.

Friday, December 11, 2009


This week we have continued discussing the White House and Washington DC. Today we specifically talked about the three branches of government, who is in charge and each of their jobs. The students were given an assignment to write ten questions and create a word search with their answers. They were given time in class to work on this and it is due Monday.

Don't forget the Washington DC project is due Monday, Dec 21st. See here for more information.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Washington DC Project

Today we talked about the Washington DC project. Here are the details...

1. Research the monument you have chosen and find at least ten facts about it. These facts will be turned in with your project.

2. Create an authentic three dimensional replica of the monument. Grading will be based on authenticity, neatness, stability and overall creativity.

3. Attach your facts to your project and turn it in.

Projects are due Monday, December 21.

Here are a few examples of last years projects;

We will be going to the library next week for research and planning, but I wanted to get the instructions out since December can be a busy month for everyone.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Welcome Back

OK - I know we've only been off for two extra days, but for some reason it feels like forever since I've been with the kids!

Today we started working on our government unit. As I told one of my classes today, I have a lot in my brain to sort out for this unit and how it's going to look. (To which one of my students replied, "You could just erase all of it!")

So today we discussed what the kids already know about government. We then moved on to some information about the White House. (The project for this unit has not been assigned yet, so there's no need to get all crafty right away!) We started a crossword puzzle today in class, it's due tomorrow.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Final Geography

A few things are happening today...first, the five themes of geography project is due today. Then, I will be showing the kids any missing assignments they have and they can clean out their folders!! (That way nothing gets thrown away that shouldn't.) Finally, we are watching the movie Madagascar. The kids have been working hard and I am giving them a little break. (Plus, Madagascar has the five themes of geography in it!)

Have a great Thanksgiving.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Geography Project

Today was our last work day on the geography project. The project is due on Monday, Nov 23rd. For details about the project click here.

Don't forget, conferences are this Thursday evening and Friday morning. I hope to see you there!

Monday, November 16, 2009


On Friday we wrapped up regions by coloring in the states in each of the four regions on a map. These maps are due tomorrow. Today we read a story called, "Gila Monsters Meet You At The Airport." It is about a little boy who is moving from the east to the west and what he thinks it will be like. I then had the students describe for me how the book provided examples for each of the 5 themes of geography.

The students have a project for the 5 themes of geography that is due Monday, November 23rd. They will get at least 2 work days in school. Here's the details...

Your task is to find 5 different articles or pictures from a newspaper or magazine and relate them to the five themes of geography. You must have one article (picture) for each theme. You may use any newspaper (Beacon, SC Herald, St Cloud Times, Outdoor News, Farm Bureau, etc) or the Internet to find a newspaper online.

Once you have found your articles/pictures:

-attach each to a piece of loose-leaf paper

-label it with the theme you think it relates to

-write a few sentences explaining why you think it represents that theme (What part of the article connects? How does it relate the theme?)


-An article is worth 3 points, a picture is worth 2

-The entire project is worth 35 points

-Staple the pages together

-Name and hour on top of each page

-Grammar and spelling count!!

-Feel free to type it (2 extra credit points)

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Today we compiled our information from yesterday and created a bar graph showing which countries had the most products. At the top of the list were the USA and China. I think most of the kids were surprised to see the U.S. at the top.

Then we moved on to talking about the regions of the U.S. To give the kids a feel for how we group states together by similar characteristics I had them practice grouping. Each group was given a list of several things you would find in a grocery store. It was their responsibility to place the products into different groups. My favorite categories of the day include; breakfast food, junk food, meals and the spaghetti group!

Tomorrow we will continue with regions by determining the four regions of the U.S.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Today I sent the students on a scavenger hunt to learn about movement. They set out on a mission to find 20 things and where they were made. (Example, a notebook was made in Canada.) Tomorrow we will compile the information to see where the majority of our products come from and put the information into a graph. The kids could continue this hunt at home to see how many different countries out stuff comes from.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Late Work

Today I gave each of the students a copy of my new late work policy. After being in school for one quarter I have been able to identify some concerns with late work and I hope this policy will help. Here's the plan...

Ms. Sakry
Late Work Policy
Revised 11-9-09

Any assignment handed in after the due date is considered late and will be worth 50% of its original score.

If a student does not have their work with them and ready for class it will be considered late. I will not allow them to go to their locker to get it.

If a name is not on a paper, I will not give it a score. It will be placed in the no name basket, if it is yours please put your name on it and turn it in. It will be considered late.

At the end of each unit, I will no longer take late work for that unit and anything not turned in goes to a zero.

**If a student is absent their work is not considered late. A student has one day for each day gone, to make up their work. Exceptions to this may be made, please talk to me.

Incentive Day

Here are some pictures from first quarter incentive day. Congratulations to all the students that qualified by getting all their work in and showing positive behavior at school. Keep up the good work! Enjoy...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Alright - I had to make some changes to the assignments due today. I am putting these grades on this quarter and I realized that if a student did not have their work done, it would really drop their grade! (Combined these packets are worth 109 points.) So here is the compromise I made with the kids...

If they had everything done today, we corrected it and turned it in. Students that turned their work in today get 10 extra points for having it done.

If a student does not have it done today, I will accept it tomorrow morning until the end of first hour. If it is not turned in after that, it will be a zero.

Does that make sense?? I hope so! All of this has been explained to the kids, so they know what is expected and what the consequences will be. Thanks!!

Monday, November 2, 2009


This week we will continue with the five themes of geography. Today was a work day, here's what the kids did...

1. Finished their map packet (MN cities, US cities, US states)
2. Finished landforms packet
3. Worked on US crossword puzzle

Numbers 1 and 2 were due at the end of the hour, number 3 is due tomorrow.

**The students have an opportunity for extra credit tomorrow. We will be discussing place and what makes places different and special. I will give them extra credit if they bring in pictures of places they have been. I am specifically looking for buildings and landscapes. They may bring in original pictures (you will get them back) or copies. **

Happy Halloween!

Ok - I know this is a little late, but here are some pictures from last Friday. Enjoy!

Friday, October 30, 2009


Our geography unit is based on the five themes of geography. This week we have been working on location and place. We will continue with the remaining three themes next week.

-Absolute location - The exact location for everyplace on earth, latitude and longitude.
-Relative location - Where is a place in relation to other places?

-Physical characteristics - Landforms, vegetation, climate.
-Human characteristics - How do people live, work, visit? What are the languages, customs, and beliefs? What is the economy and government?

Human Environment Interaction

Monday, October 26, 2009


Today we finished up our latitude and longitude packet. Anything that was not done in class is due tomorrow. I know some of the pages were more difficult than others, but I think it's OK to stretch the brain every now and then. ;) Tomorrow we will start talking about the 5 themes of geography...more on that later.

Friday, October 23, 2009


The students have been working hard on latitude and longitude all week. To help with some confusion we numbered the pages in our packets...pages 2 and 3 (front and back) are due Monday. (The kids may need to find a world map and US map on the internet or use the one in their assignment notebook.) Enjoy the weekend!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Today we went to the computer lab to practice latitude and longitude. Click here if you want to check out the website.

For the rest of this week we will continue working on latitude and longitude. The students received a packet today that they will need to bring with them for the next few days.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Yesterday we continued working with scale on maps. The students have done really well with this concept. Today we moved on to latitude and longitude. This can sometimes be a difficult concept for the students, so it is very helpful that most of them have worked with the idea before. Today was a simple introduction and worksheet. The kids worked with partners to see how much they remembered and to help teach each other.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Yesterday we started our geography unit. We started by discussing how everyone has maps in their heads, but sometimes we need to get them down on paper for others to use. I asked each of the students to draw a map of the middle school. Some were really good! (Others, not so great.) The whole point was that is isn't always easy to get what we know in our heads down on paper.

We then discussed and took notes about what should be on a map. We used the acronym DOGSTAILS to help us remember: date, orientation, grid, scale, title, author, index, legend (key), source.

Today we practiced determining scale on a map as well as drew some map symbols. Anything not finished in class today is due on Monday.

Enjoy the long weekend!

Homecoming 2009

A couple weeks ago we had homecoming, here's a few pictures for you to enjoy...

Monday, October 12, 2009

Critical Thinking Test

Today is our unit test on critical thinking. The students received a study guide on Friday, so they should be well prepared for it. Our next unit will be geography. We will start by looking at maps and what the requirements are that make a map easy to use.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Propaganda Test

Today the students are taking a test on propaganda. So far they are doing very well on it! We will be wrapping up critical thinking this week, with a final test on Monday. A study guide will be handed out on Friday and the kids will get class time to work on it.

My numbers are dwindling...16 gone yesterday! I will do my best to stay on top of assignments your kids may miss while they are gone. In some cases I may even exempt a student from doing an assignment. I know they have a lot to make up, especially when they are gone for 2-3 days at a time. Stay healthy!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Propaganda Project

The students have been working hard all week on their propaganda project. They are required to find one example of each of the 6 techniques we have discussed in class. They have been finding these examples in old magazines. Once they have all their examples, they place them into a book and explain why they picked that particular add for that technique. These projects are due Monday, October 5th. Many of the students are already finished with their project!

Today I gave each of the students a printout of their grade so far. These need to be signed and returned by Monday.

They students also have a TV assignment due Monday. They are to watch TV and identify which technique the commercials are using. They have a worksheet to fill in for this. (Yes I am requiring your children to watch TV!)

Three things due Monday: Propaganda book, TV worksheet, grade report signed.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Step Two

Last week we focused on step two of critical thinking, collect and judge information. We talked about fact and opinion, consistent and inconsistent, making assumptions and stereotypes. On Thursday the students watched a video on Rosa Parks, which I thought tied in well with stereotypes.

This week we are learning about propaganda. Today we talked about six techniques that can be used in propaganda and I explained the propaganda project. This project is due Monday. The students will get at least two class days to work on it. I will post more information about the requirements soon!


These are the six propaganda techniques we talked about in class today.

Bandwagon - Groups of people doing/wearing the same thing. Everyone else is doing it.

Appeal to status (snob appeal) - Only the best belong to our club.

Plain Folks - Makes you think the person in the ad is just like you. Everyday people.

Statistics - Uses numbers to sell a product.

Testimonial - A famous person endorses a product.

Name calling - Comparing two products and saying one is better.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Crazy Days!

Well, another crazy day has gone by. I feel like I have been missing in action for the past few weeks (and we've only been in school a few weeks!) I didn't really think much of it until today when a student asked me why I've been gone so much. So I thought I'd give a little explanation to others who are wondering. The first week of school I attended my co-workers funeral. Last week I had a sub in the middle school while I did some reading testing in the elementary. Tuesday my son Max was sick and tonight, after a trip to the emergency room, I found out he has croup, so I will be gone tomorrow and Friday as well. It's so hard to be gone from work, I really enjoy the kids and feel a little out of sorts when I'm not there, but my baby needs me, so home is where I'll be.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Critical Thinking

Our first unit in Social Studies is critical thinking. This unit focuses on problem solving using three steps; 1. Identify and clarify the problem 2. Collect and judge information 3. Solve the problem. This week we have been focusing on step one by looking at various skills used in identifying a problem. We've talked about perception (using your 5 senses), finding the main idea, creating good questions, making comparisons and determining relevance.

Today's activity included listening to The Wide Mouthed Frog and Click Clack Moo, Cows that type. We used these stories to help us create open ended and closed ended questions.

Tomorrow the kids will be getting a study guide for a quiz they are having on Monday.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

About me...

Well we're one week in and I have about 70% of my kids names memorized. Since I'm working on learning about your kids, I thought you might like to know a little about me. I grew up on a dairy farm north of Melrose and graduated in 1995 from Melrose High School. I then attended St. Ben's and received my bachelors in elementary education with an emphasis in social studies. I was hired to teach 3rd grade in 1999, the next two years were spent in 5th and 6th grade. The following year I was asked to teach 7th grade social and I have been here ever since! I love teaching in the middle school, the kids are crazy, loud, fun and excited to be here. There is never a dull moment with 7th graders. I received my masters degree in education in 2005 from Southwest Minnesota State University. My husband Ben and I live on a dairy farm (the same on I grew up on) and have three kids. Sam is in second grade, Grace is in kindergarden and Max is 17 months old. I think this is going to be a great year!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Welcome Back!

Whew! We successfully made it through the first day of school. Hopefully your kids are as tired as I am and go to bed early tonight. (At least that's my plan!) Today I gave each of the students a class syllabus. Please take some time to review this with your child, there is a sheet for you to sign and return by Friday. Please feel free to contact me anytime if you have questions, comments or concerns.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It's baaaack...

Well the countdown to school has begun! As much as I hate to see summer go, I am also excited to meet a new group of students and try some new things in my classroom. See you soon!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Summer Time!

It's hard to believe school has been out for almost a month already! I hope everyone is enjoying some summer fun. Today I plan to head out to the Riverfest parade with the kids. Bring on the candy!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Last Day!

Well it's hard to believe the last day is here.  I can honestly say this year has flown by!  The seventh graders are a fun, energetic class, that is responsible and respectful.  I am going to miss them next year.  Thank goodness they are only eighth graders so I will still get to see them.  Enjoy your summer!  


Monday, June 1, 2009

Spring Fling

Last week's spring fling went great!  Friday was our fun day; we had olympic competitions, soccer games, the Autism walk, lunch outside, a talent show and yearbook signing.  Below I have posted a slide show of the week's fun.  The students will get to see this on Wednesday at our meeting for Valley Fair.  


Thursday, May 28, 2009


Over the past few days we have been talking about the 5 different groups.  Family, Education, Religion, Government and Economic

To finish off the school year we will be focusing on family by discussing the different types of families and how they interact.  We will be looking at examples of this through TV shows.  The students will be filling in some information on these shows.  They also have an opportunity for extra credit by watching shows outside of school and filling out the extra sheets.  

Tomorrow is Spring Fling!   

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Last Unit!

On Monday we finished up psychology with a review of the unit.  

Tuesday we started studying sociology.  This is the study of people's behavior in groups.  We discussed the four types of groups sociologist study.  Primary (family, friends), secondary (larger, such as work, neighbors, etc), community (town), and society (country).

Today we talked about society rules and regulations...more on that later!

We've been busy planning spring fling in the middle school.  Next week Friday will be a fun day for all students!  I'll try to post pictures.      

Friday, May 15, 2009

Eight Ages of Man

Today in class we discussed the Eight Ages of Man developed by Erik Erikson.  Erikson believed that all individuals go through eight stages in their life...

Stage One
infant; learns trust and mistrust

Stage Two
ages 2-3; independence, potty training

Stage Three
ages 4-5; busy planning and doing things on their own, greater control over physical movements, plays games with other children
Stage Four
ages 6-11; school, obey rules, concerned about fairness, socializing

Stage Five
12-18; adolescence, physical changes, interested in relationships, searching for values, want acceptance by peers

Stage Six
young adulthood (20's, 30's, 40's); have direction in life, relationship, marriage, family

Stage Seven
middle age (40's - 80's); creators and producers of society, decision makers, help the younger generation

Stage Eight
final stage; look back on life's experiences, take pleasure in life's accomplishments

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Pavlov's Dogs

Today in class we discussed Ivan Pavlov and his experiment on learning...

Pavlov knew that when dogs were fed they salivated.  He wanted to train the dogs to salivate on command.  So every time he fed his dogs he rang a bell.  Eventually Pavlov was able to ring a bell and the dogs would salivate even without food.  This is called classical conditioning.  

In classical conditioning there is a stimulus and a response.  When the bell rings (stimulus) the dogs salivate (response).  We also talked about how students are classically conditioned to change classes every time the bell rings in school.    

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Learning Experiments

Last week Thursday and Friday the students completed 
learning experiments.  They had to trace a star while 
looking in a mirror and run a maze using a piece of 
construction paper with a hole in it. 
The students had to record how long it took them to 
complete each experiment, and then repeat the experiment.  
The theory of learning is that their times should get faster.  
Practice makes perfect!  

Below are some pictures of the experiments...


I feel like I have been MIA for a few days.  I had a funeral on Friday (my 96 year old grandma passed away, that's a pretty good life) and a sick boy yesterday.  Thank goodness for great subs who help keep things moving!  

I just wanted to let everyone know that I am back today and I promise to return your e mails sometime this afternoon.  I also plan on posting some more information about what we have been doing in class.  Thank you for your understanding.    

Monday, May 4, 2009

Defense Mechanisms

Today we corrected the critical thinking packet.  We also reviewed defense the four mechanisms...


The students were asked to think of a situation where a person might use a defense mechanism and act it out in a group for the class.  I love watching the kids act stuff out, they always make me laugh.  :0)  

Tomorrow we will continue talking about needs and on Wednesday there will be a short quiz on what we have discussed.   

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Test and progress reports

Yesterday the students had a test on all the information we have covered so far in psychology.  (Most of it was on personality.)  I am still in the middle of correcting them, but so far they look pretty good.  

Today we started talking about needs and defense mechanisms.  The students wrote down a lot of information today, so hopefully tomorrow we will be able to work with that information.

Progress reports should be coming this week.  Students will get a progress report if they are receiving a D or lower.  I also sent out progress reports for students who did not turn in their individual assignment (read a book or do an interview).  This score has not been added into their grade yet, so they may be getting a good grade, but once I put the score in it could drop.  

Monday, April 27, 2009

Personality tests

Today in class we took some time to look at two more personality tests.  

The first one was designed to determine if the person is an extrovert (outgoing) or and introvert (quiet).  

We also talked about the Rorschach test.  (That's the one with the ink blots.)  We can't actually look at the real test, but we did look at some inkblots and compared what we saw with each other.  

Tomorrow the signature assignment is due.  We will also be doing one final personality test and the kids will get a study guide.  We have a test on Wednesday!  

Friday, April 24, 2009

Signature Analysis

Today we talked about signature analysis and how analyzing your signature can describe your personality.  The students were given a sheet showing the different characteristics a signature can have and what they mean.  They have an assignment to analyze 2 adult signatures and 2 classmate signatures, as well as their own.  This assignment is due Tuesday.  Enjoy the weekend!    

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Yesterday we talked about Sigmund Freud and his views on personality.  Freud believed that everyone has three parts to their personality; the id, the superego and the ego.  The id is responsible for our basic needs and is only concerned about itself.  The superego is only concerned about others and the ego is the balance between the two.  We talked about how we are all well balanced so our ego is the most dominant.  Although, I did mention that it they have ever pouted or thrown a tantrum to get their way, it was their id showing itself!

Today we continued talking about personality by discussing emotions and how they help make everyones personality different.  

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


MCA testing is finished!  That means everything should be back on schedule.

Because the hours were somewhat mixed up the personality collages had different due dates for each hour.  As of tomorrow all collages are due.  

Tomorrow we are going to take a look at how Freud explained personality.  

Friday, April 17, 2009


We read about and discussed personality on Wednesday this week.  The student's assignment on personality is to create a collage about themselves.  These are due on different days due to MCA testing.  2nd hour due Wednesday, 3rd hour due Tuesday, 4th hour due Monday, 6th  hour due Monday.  

Here are the requirements for the collage...
-minimum of 10 pictures 
-at least one picture from each category
-label each picture with a caption
-name on the front
-outline pictures in color for category
-magazine or photographs (copies are OK) only
-no internet pictures

Red - Memorable events               
Green - Places (you've been, would like to go)
Purple - Family (photograph)
Pink - Favorites
Orange - Hobbies
Blue - Dislikes

The students are given one full work day in class to work on these.  Enjoy the weather!  

Thursday, April 16, 2009


We have officially moved into our new unit...psychology!  So far we have talked about the basics of psychology, what it is, what is means.  With this unit there will be a lot of new vocabulary, but also some fun experiments.  Yesterday we started talking about heredity and environment and how they affect our personality.  Your kids may be checking your eye color, earlobes and hands, be prepared!  

Here are some of the new vocabulary words:  psychology, psychologist, observation, analysis, clinical psychologist, developmental psychologist, social psychologist, experimental psychologist, personality, heredity, environment, and adaptation.    

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Individual Assignment

The students individual assignments (book or interview) is due Friday, April 17th.  If the students do not have class due to testing, they will turn it in on Monday.  Remember they can do both for double the credit.  

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Project Pictures!

Here are a few pictures from the decade projects...
**Sorry about not rotating the pictures, you'll just have to tilt your head :-)
60's props

50's props

70's props

1970's afro (with pick!)

1980's clothing and hair

1960's props

1970's props

1950's clothing

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

History Projects Done!

Well, we finished with individual research and our group projects.  Hopefully I'll get some pictures posted over break!  

One thing the kids could work on over break is their individual assignment.  They have the option to read a historical book or complete an oral history (interview someone over forty).  These are due April 17th, next Friday.  

Enjoy your extended weekend!  

Friday, April 3, 2009

Group Project

Group projects will be presented Monday and Tuesday next week.  Here is what is needed for presentations...

1.  A timeline with 12 paragraphs and 6 pictures
2.  A worksheet for the class with 10 questions
3.  5 props that go with the timeline or decade

*Just a reminder that individual assignments are due April 15.  The students have the option to read a historical novel (worth credit in English) or complete an oral history interview.  They may complete both for twice the credit. 

Have a good weekend :0)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Group Project

With the snow day yesterday, things are being adjusted slightly...

Individual research was collected yesterday and today.

Group projects are due Monday, April 6th. (We will be presenting Monday and Tuesday to the class.)

Here is what is required for the group project...

-Use the individual research to create a timeline. This timeline must have 12 facts (2 from each category, written in paragraphs) and 6 pictures (1 from each category).

-Create a 10 point assessment (worksheet, crossword, etc) that the class will fill in during your presentation.

-Think of 5 props that go with your information to show during your presentation. (This could be clothing, videos, music, anything! Be creative with this!!)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

1950's - 1990's

This week we started our final project for US History. There are three components to this project...

1. Individual Research - 48 points (due Tuesday, March 31)
-Research the six categories (people, inventions, culture, events, places, US in world) for your decade
-Find three facts for each of these categories, write a paragraph about each one.
-Fill this information in on the blank outline you received (or type if you want)
-Provide two copies of the outline, one for me and one for your group

2. Group Project - 43 points (due Thursday, April 2)
-We will discuss this in class on Tuesday, March 31

3. Individual Assignment - 25 points (due Wednesday, April 15)
-Choose one of the following (you may do both for double credit)
-Read a historic novel and pass the AR test or write a review on the card catalog (see worksheet for directions)
-Complete an oral history interview (see worksheet for directions)

**Feel free to help you child with these assignments, (especially the oral history interview). We have worked Wednesday and Thursday on research in the library and tomorrow will be a work day in class. I will explain the group project on Tuesday when the students turn in their individual research.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Wrap Up

Today we wrapped up several things in class...

1940's packet and questions
Yellow journals from the great depression activity
Study guide (crossword puzzle) for 1900-1949

We have an open notes test on Monday, the study guide will tell the kids what will be on the test. This test will be one of the final grades this quarter, since it's worth 40 points it could be very helpful! Enjoy your weekend.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

30's and 40's

We are winding down our 1930's simulation. The most common question I am getting is, when are the stocks going to go back up? Today we started some information on the 1940's. We will continue with this information tomorrow as well as work on a study guide for 1900-1929 and 1930-1949.

The students have an open notes test on Monday, March 23. They will be allowed to use any information they have except the study guide. End of the quarter is Friday, March 27th so this test could be very helpful for the students. Enjoy the weather, I know I am and my classroom is finally starting to warm up!

Monday, March 16, 2009


Today was 1931...stocks continue to drop and our banks are near failing. Truck drivers, factory workers, miners and farmers are all feeling the impact of the depression as their pay drops or they are out of work.

We will finish this activity by the end of the week. Some days we are also working on other information from packets. On Monday, March 23 we will have an open notes test on 1900-1949, a study guide will be given out this week.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Great Depression

Today the depression started to affect employment. Truck drivers pay was cut in half, miners are down to working 4 days a week, farm prices are dropping and factory workers are unemployed. Today most of the students were still able to make payments and buy groceries, however, our bank is starting to run out of money.

There is an assignment for Monday. The students were given a packet on the 1930's and have some questions to answer on the very last page. This assignment will be for credit and will be used when we take our test on the 1900-1940's so it's important that they complete it. Enjoy your weekend. (I've got a birthday party to throw for my daughter...she's 5!)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Great Depression

Each day when the students come into class they complete the following tasks...

-collect pay
-buy groceries
-pay bills
-complete chance card
-read newspaper, answer questions, write in journal

Today (1929) the stock market crashed. Most students were still able to pay their bills and buy groceries, however I think the next few days may be more difficult. I did have a few students who bought up plenty of stock today, but most of these students are single with no family so their bills are much less. (Tomorrow the great depression will start to affect employment.)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Great Depression

Whew! What a day today. Each of the students was given a job, along with a family, salary, and expenses based on the late 1920's-1930's. Each day in class the students will read a newspaper with the news from a different year, based on the information in the newspaper their salary and expenses could be affected.

We started today with 1927. Charles Lindbergh is the first man to fly non stop across the Atlantic Ocean. Ford announces its new automobile - the Model A. Silent movies become more popular. We also listened to some jazz music from the era.

Each day students will journal about their day and answer questions about the newspaper articles. Some students were surprised that they had to pay more for groceries if they had more kids!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

US History

For the past week we have been working on U.S. History. So far we have covered 1900-1929 and we watched a little bit of Titanic too! Today the students created a timeline for the 1920's. Next week I am hoping to do a Great Depression simulation. It will be the first time I have done it, so hopefully it works out right! We will continue U.S. History up to the 1940's, then the students will be doing research on the remaining decades. I will post more on that project as it gets closer. Don't forget about conferences! I had a pretty good turn out last night, you can also come and see me on Thursday night (4-8) and Friday morning (8-12). Hope to see you!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Social Projects

OK - Here are the pictures of the seventh graders projects.  You may have to tilt you head a little to view some of the pictures since I forgot to flip them.  Enjoy :-)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Congrats to the gymnasts who will be competing at state on Thursday. Also, a belated congratulations to the dance team who recently took a trip to state. Both teams have some 7th graders competing. Awesome job!

Monday, February 23, 2009

US History

Last week we started our US History unit.  As I mentioned before we go through 100 years very quickly.  In order to do this I break down each decade into 6 different categories.  People, Places, Events, Culture, Inventions and US in the World.  The students will be getting a packet of information about each decade, we then go through the packets and place the information into the six categories.  

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Progress Reports

Today in class I gave the students a print out of their grades, most students are doing very well.  If a student is not doing well it may be because they are missing an assignment or two.  Here are the assignments we have handed in so far... (next week the White House quiz and projects will be added on)

Economics Quiz - 33 points
Washington DC article and made up questions - 10 points
Syllabus with parent signature - 5 points
200 years at the White House, questions and word find - 17 points
The White House article and crossword - 17 points
The White House packet (pink) - 91 points

Tomorrow we are starting our US History unit.  This unit covers the years 1900-2000 in an extremely short period of time...we do about a decade a week.  At the end of the unit the students will be responsible for doing research and teaching the class about a specific decade.  

Friday, February 13, 2009


Well, the projects have been coming in and they look great!  I have Washington Monuments, Jefferson Memorials, Lincoln Memorials and WWI Memorials that are made out of wood, cardboard, styrofoam, cake and even Rice Krispies!  I will try to figure out how to post pictures sometime next week.  

Today we also corrected the White House packet worth 91 points.

On Tuesday we are having a quiz on the White House.  It will be open notes, as long as the kids have all their worksheets they should be fine!

Have a good weekend - Happy Valentine's Day!    

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Spelling Bee

Congratulations to Grace Brang for winning the District Spelling Bee!  She will compete in the regional competition at St. John's University on March 2nd.  Way to go Grace!   

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Today we watched a video on the first ladies and completed a worksheet.   

 Tomorrow (Thursday) is our work day.  Students may choose to work on their projects (50 points) or finish their pink packet (91 points).  Both are due Friday.  If they have everything done, I do have some extra credit options.  

Friday we will correct our packets, share our projects and maybe play some current events (always a class favorite).

Tuesday, Feb 17th we will have a quiz on the White House unit.  It will be open notes.  

Monday, February 9, 2009

February Fun Week

The Middle School is having their very own snow daze this year, officially called February Fun Week.  Here's what's on the agenda...

Monday: Pajama Day
Tuesday: Crazy Hair / Mismatch day, movie during 3rd and 4th hour, sundaes at lunch
Wednesday: Costume Day, sundaes at lunch
Thursday: Spirit Day, District Spelling Bee
Friday: Valentine Day, Grade level competitions 7th hour

Congratulations to the District Spelling Bee participants:
1.  Hailey Heinen

2.  Haley Hoppe

3.  Jordan Lieser

4.  Mitchell Welle

5.  Matthew Keller

6.  Hannah Miller

7.  Wyatt Kemper

8.  Jonathon Primus

 9.  Grace Brang

10.  Adam Austing 

11.  Abby Hellermann

12.  Justine Revermann 

13.  Brady Sprenger 

14.  Ashley Nathe

15.  Alisyn Hoeschen

16.  Aaron Stalboerger

17.  Tayler Reller

18.  Alex Bauer

19.  Mitch Reller

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

White House / Washington DC

Here's the assignment for the White House Unit (which I should change the name of since it's now about Washington DC).  These projects are due Friday, February 13th.  Today and tomorrow we will be in the library researching the monuments.
Congratulations!  You have been selected by a special committee to help celebrate our nation’s capitol.  Your assignment is to create some type of representation of one of the monuments/memorials located in Washington DC.  This project is due:

1.  Research the monument you have chosen and find at least ten facts about it.  These facts must be turned in with your project.

         -Washington Monument   -Jefferson Memorial   -Lincoln Memorial  -FDR Memorial  -Vietnam Veterans Memorial                                                    -Korean War Memorial  -Peace Monument  -World War II Memorial   -World War I Memorial  -Vietnam Women’s Memorial

2.  Create an authentic three-dimensional replica of the monument.  I will be grading you based on how authentic it is, how neatly it was created, how stable the project is, and overall creativity.

3.  Attach your facts to your replica.  You may chose to put them all on one sheet of paper, or place them in different places directly on your project.

A few things to consider…

-If you want to work with a partner, it needs to be someone from your hour.  Also, make sure it is possible for you to get together outside of school.

-How will you get your project to and from school?  It does not have to be huge! 

-What supplies will you need to create your project?  Some ideas are cardboard, leggos, construction paper, wood, metal, styrofoam, paint, markers, etc. 

Good Websites:

www.tourofdc.org and select monuments

http://nps.gov/state/DC and enter your monument in the search field

http://bensguide.gpo.gov and select 3-5, then select symbols of gov’t

Monday, February 2, 2009

The White House

Today we started each hour by cleaning out our folders and recycling everything in them.  We then discussed the White House unit.  In the past the students have each done a report on a president and then worked in groups to create a model of the White House.  This year I have decided to change things up a bit.  

Instead of creating a White House, I am asking the students to research one of the monuments/memorials located in Washington DC.  They will then create a model of that monument and present the facts to the class. We will take some class time to research and I have found some really good websites for the kids to use.  (I'll post those later.)  We also started today by reading a couple of articles about some of the monuments.      

Depending on time I may still require the students to do the presidential report.  Since this is the first time doing monuments, it is a work in progress.  I will keep you posted of any changes along the way. 

PS - Don't forget to sign your child's syllabus.    

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Second Semester

Welcome to second semester!  We started the semester with an easy assignment.  I am asking you to review the syllabus with your child, sign it, and have them return it to school.  There is really only one change from last semester.  At the end of each unit any missing assignments will go to a zero.  

We are wrapping up our economics unit this week by talking about different types of economies (command, market and traditional) and supply and demand.  There is a quiz on Thursday, the students were given a study guide on Monday. 

Next week we will start our White House unit, which has always been one of the kids favorites!  More on that to come...  

Friday, January 23, 2009

Incentive Day

Well, today is incentive day.  Congratulations to all the students who qualified to go skiing or swimming.  I'm taking my turn staying back at school.   Hopefully I can catch up on some work and get the spelling bee planned.  (Plus I love Valley Fair, so I definitely want to go on that one!)  Next week we will continue with economics.  I hope everyone has a great weekend.  

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Yesterday we took the time to watch history in the making. I hope you were able to watch it as well.

End of the quarter is this Friday and the students will be going on their incentive day trip to the water park or skiing. Please check with your child that they have everything turned in. We have taken some time the past two days to work and catch up with everything. However, I may not get through all the papers until our work day on Monday and if you son or daughter is missing something it could affect their grade. Here's what we have turned in this past week...

Decision making grid
Four factors of production worksheet (ice cream and paper)
Four factors of production chart (they filled it in)
Vocabulary cards with definitions and pictures

Friday, January 16, 2009


Wow! What a crazy week. (Not that I'm complaining, two extra hours in the morning helps get the dishes done! And I finally got my tree down on our day off.)

Today we continued with the four factors of production. Each student had to think of a product and list the four factors of production for that product. They also had to illustrate each one.

For example:
Product - Peanut Butter
Land - soil, peanut plant, water
Labor - farmer, truck driver, grocery store worker, factory worker
Capital - machine to pick the nuts, machine to crush the nuts, trucks, jars, building, money
Management - farm owner, factory owner, store owner

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Yesterday we talked about the three basic questions of economics:

1. What to produce?
2. For whom should we produce?
3. How should we produce it?

In groups the students thought of a product for seventh graders. We had everything from a credit card that never has a bill to a homework pen that gives you all the answers. While thinking of these products the students had to consider the three questions.

Today we talked about the four factors of production and watched a video about how a school uses these four factors.

1. Land/Natural Resources
2. Labor
3. Capital (money)
4. Management

Tomorrow the students will have to think of a product they have used or consumed and create a list of all the factors of production that go into making that product.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Last week we started our economics unit. Here are some basics we have talked about so far...

Economics - the study of the scarcity of all resources and the choices we make about how to use them.

Scarcity - not enough of something

Because resources are scarce we have to make choices about about how to use them.

Last week we did a coloring activity in class. The problem was that markers were scarce, which caused the students to make decisions. Hopefully this will help the students remember what scarcity is. We have also talked about the differences between needs and wants. (That was definitely an interesting conversation, especially with seventh graders!)

Stay Warm!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Question of the day...

"Ms. Sakry, do you think we'll get out of school early?"