Monday, November 16, 2009


On Friday we wrapped up regions by coloring in the states in each of the four regions on a map. These maps are due tomorrow. Today we read a story called, "Gila Monsters Meet You At The Airport." It is about a little boy who is moving from the east to the west and what he thinks it will be like. I then had the students describe for me how the book provided examples for each of the 5 themes of geography.

The students have a project for the 5 themes of geography that is due Monday, November 23rd. They will get at least 2 work days in school. Here's the details...

Your task is to find 5 different articles or pictures from a newspaper or magazine and relate them to the five themes of geography. You must have one article (picture) for each theme. You may use any newspaper (Beacon, SC Herald, St Cloud Times, Outdoor News, Farm Bureau, etc) or the Internet to find a newspaper online.

Once you have found your articles/pictures:

-attach each to a piece of loose-leaf paper

-label it with the theme you think it relates to

-write a few sentences explaining why you think it represents that theme (What part of the article connects? How does it relate the theme?)


-An article is worth 3 points, a picture is worth 2

-The entire project is worth 35 points

-Staple the pages together

-Name and hour on top of each page

-Grammar and spelling count!!

-Feel free to type it (2 extra credit points)