Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Careers Outline

Today we worked on our outlines in class. The students will also get tomorrow to work on them during the hour. These outlines should be completed by Monday. Each student will need their outline next week when we begin working on our projects.

Each student has a pink half sheet of paper with a list of everything they will be turning in for the careers unit. These items are due next Thursday, December 18th. Here's the list...

Careers Unit Checklist
110 points total

_____ 3 Tasks completed (15 points, 5 each)
Task One, I Make it Happen, Task Five

_____ Career Interview (10 points)

_____ Results from 2 computer tests printed (10 points)

_____ 2 jobs printed (10 points)
Overview, Task List, General Work, Interests, Knowledge, Preparation, Wages, Employment and Outlook

_____ 3 extras (15 points, 5 each)

_____ Outline and project (50 points)