Today we wrapped up the 1920's. Tomorrow we will move into the great depression and the 1930's. We have also been discussing the Olympics and some Olympic history.
In second grade I was sitting in the library at St. Mary's School in Sister Joseph Marie's reading class when Mr. Doyle came into the library and turned on the TV. On it was the news report about the Challenger space shuttle exploding. I can also remember seeing Mary Lou Retton stick the landing on her final vault to win a gold medal in the Olympics. The most recent historical event ingrained in my mind is the day 9/11 happened. I was teaching 5th grade and my students were at gym, a colleague came over and told me to turn on the TV. Each of these events are something I will never forget and I am hoping to help the students in my class see how history really does affect all of our lives.
In order to do this I am asking each student to interview someone over 40 years old (not their parents) about what they remember from history. They have a list of possible questions to use and a worksheet to complete after the interview. My hope is that these interviews will get them talking with someone other than you about what history is and what it really means.
For 2nd and 3rd hour this assignment is due Feb 22.
For 5th and 6th hour this assignment is due March 1.