Monday, November 30, 2009

Welcome Back

OK - I know we've only been off for two extra days, but for some reason it feels like forever since I've been with the kids!

Today we started working on our government unit. As I told one of my classes today, I have a lot in my brain to sort out for this unit and how it's going to look. (To which one of my students replied, "You could just erase all of it!")

So today we discussed what the kids already know about government. We then moved on to some information about the White House. (The project for this unit has not been assigned yet, so there's no need to get all crafty right away!) We started a crossword puzzle today in class, it's due tomorrow.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Final Geography

A few things are happening today...first, the five themes of geography project is due today. Then, I will be showing the kids any missing assignments they have and they can clean out their folders!! (That way nothing gets thrown away that shouldn't.) Finally, we are watching the movie Madagascar. The kids have been working hard and I am giving them a little break. (Plus, Madagascar has the five themes of geography in it!)

Have a great Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Geography Project

Today was our last work day on the geography project. The project is due on Monday, Nov 23rd. For details about the project click here.

Don't forget, conferences are this Thursday evening and Friday morning. I hope to see you there!

Monday, November 16, 2009


On Friday we wrapped up regions by coloring in the states in each of the four regions on a map. These maps are due tomorrow. Today we read a story called, "Gila Monsters Meet You At The Airport." It is about a little boy who is moving from the east to the west and what he thinks it will be like. I then had the students describe for me how the book provided examples for each of the 5 themes of geography.

The students have a project for the 5 themes of geography that is due Monday, November 23rd. They will get at least 2 work days in school. Here's the details...

Your task is to find 5 different articles or pictures from a newspaper or magazine and relate them to the five themes of geography. You must have one article (picture) for each theme. You may use any newspaper (Beacon, SC Herald, St Cloud Times, Outdoor News, Farm Bureau, etc) or the Internet to find a newspaper online.

Once you have found your articles/pictures:

-attach each to a piece of loose-leaf paper

-label it with the theme you think it relates to

-write a few sentences explaining why you think it represents that theme (What part of the article connects? How does it relate the theme?)


-An article is worth 3 points, a picture is worth 2

-The entire project is worth 35 points

-Staple the pages together

-Name and hour on top of each page

-Grammar and spelling count!!

-Feel free to type it (2 extra credit points)

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Today we compiled our information from yesterday and created a bar graph showing which countries had the most products. At the top of the list were the USA and China. I think most of the kids were surprised to see the U.S. at the top.

Then we moved on to talking about the regions of the U.S. To give the kids a feel for how we group states together by similar characteristics I had them practice grouping. Each group was given a list of several things you would find in a grocery store. It was their responsibility to place the products into different groups. My favorite categories of the day include; breakfast food, junk food, meals and the spaghetti group!

Tomorrow we will continue with regions by determining the four regions of the U.S.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Today I sent the students on a scavenger hunt to learn about movement. They set out on a mission to find 20 things and where they were made. (Example, a notebook was made in Canada.) Tomorrow we will compile the information to see where the majority of our products come from and put the information into a graph. The kids could continue this hunt at home to see how many different countries out stuff comes from.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Late Work

Today I gave each of the students a copy of my new late work policy. After being in school for one quarter I have been able to identify some concerns with late work and I hope this policy will help. Here's the plan...

Ms. Sakry
Late Work Policy
Revised 11-9-09

Any assignment handed in after the due date is considered late and will be worth 50% of its original score.

If a student does not have their work with them and ready for class it will be considered late. I will not allow them to go to their locker to get it.

If a name is not on a paper, I will not give it a score. It will be placed in the no name basket, if it is yours please put your name on it and turn it in. It will be considered late.

At the end of each unit, I will no longer take late work for that unit and anything not turned in goes to a zero.

**If a student is absent their work is not considered late. A student has one day for each day gone, to make up their work. Exceptions to this may be made, please talk to me.

Incentive Day

Here are some pictures from first quarter incentive day. Congratulations to all the students that qualified by getting all their work in and showing positive behavior at school. Keep up the good work! Enjoy...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Alright - I had to make some changes to the assignments due today. I am putting these grades on this quarter and I realized that if a student did not have their work done, it would really drop their grade! (Combined these packets are worth 109 points.) So here is the compromise I made with the kids...

If they had everything done today, we corrected it and turned it in. Students that turned their work in today get 10 extra points for having it done.

If a student does not have it done today, I will accept it tomorrow morning until the end of first hour. If it is not turned in after that, it will be a zero.

Does that make sense?? I hope so! All of this has been explained to the kids, so they know what is expected and what the consequences will be. Thanks!!

Monday, November 2, 2009


This week we will continue with the five themes of geography. Today was a work day, here's what the kids did...

1. Finished their map packet (MN cities, US cities, US states)
2. Finished landforms packet
3. Worked on US crossword puzzle

Numbers 1 and 2 were due at the end of the hour, number 3 is due tomorrow.

**The students have an opportunity for extra credit tomorrow. We will be discussing place and what makes places different and special. I will give them extra credit if they bring in pictures of places they have been. I am specifically looking for buildings and landscapes. They may bring in original pictures (you will get them back) or copies. **

Happy Halloween!

Ok - I know this is a little late, but here are some pictures from last Friday. Enjoy!