This week we started our final project for US History. There are three components to this project...
1. Individual Research - 48 points (due Tuesday, March 31)
-Research the six categories (people, inventions, culture, events, places, US in world) for your decade
-Find three facts for each of these categories, write a paragraph about each one.
-Fill this information in on the blank outline you received (or type if you want)
-Provide two copies of the outline, one for me and one for your group
2. Group Project - 43 points (due Thursday, April 2)
-We will discuss this in class on Tuesday, March 31
3. Individual Assignment - 25 points (due Wednesday, April 15)
-Choose one of the following (you may do both for double credit)
-Read a historic novel and pass the AR test or write a review on the card catalog (see worksheet for directions)
-Complete an oral history interview (see worksheet for directions)
**Feel free to help you child with these assignments, (especially the oral history interview). We have worked Wednesday and Thursday on research in the library and tomorrow will be a work day in class. I will explain the group project on Tuesday when the students turn in their individual research.