Friday, October 30, 2009


Our geography unit is based on the five themes of geography. This week we have been working on location and place. We will continue with the remaining three themes next week.

-Absolute location - The exact location for everyplace on earth, latitude and longitude.
-Relative location - Where is a place in relation to other places?

-Physical characteristics - Landforms, vegetation, climate.
-Human characteristics - How do people live, work, visit? What are the languages, customs, and beliefs? What is the economy and government?

Human Environment Interaction

Monday, October 26, 2009


Today we finished up our latitude and longitude packet. Anything that was not done in class is due tomorrow. I know some of the pages were more difficult than others, but I think it's OK to stretch the brain every now and then. ;) Tomorrow we will start talking about the 5 themes of geography...more on that later.

Friday, October 23, 2009


The students have been working hard on latitude and longitude all week. To help with some confusion we numbered the pages in our packets...pages 2 and 3 (front and back) are due Monday. (The kids may need to find a world map and US map on the internet or use the one in their assignment notebook.) Enjoy the weekend!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Today we went to the computer lab to practice latitude and longitude. Click here if you want to check out the website.

For the rest of this week we will continue working on latitude and longitude. The students received a packet today that they will need to bring with them for the next few days.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Yesterday we continued working with scale on maps. The students have done really well with this concept. Today we moved on to latitude and longitude. This can sometimes be a difficult concept for the students, so it is very helpful that most of them have worked with the idea before. Today was a simple introduction and worksheet. The kids worked with partners to see how much they remembered and to help teach each other.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Yesterday we started our geography unit. We started by discussing how everyone has maps in their heads, but sometimes we need to get them down on paper for others to use. I asked each of the students to draw a map of the middle school. Some were really good! (Others, not so great.) The whole point was that is isn't always easy to get what we know in our heads down on paper.

We then discussed and took notes about what should be on a map. We used the acronym DOGSTAILS to help us remember: date, orientation, grid, scale, title, author, index, legend (key), source.

Today we practiced determining scale on a map as well as drew some map symbols. Anything not finished in class today is due on Monday.

Enjoy the long weekend!

Homecoming 2009

A couple weeks ago we had homecoming, here's a few pictures for you to enjoy...

Monday, October 12, 2009

Critical Thinking Test

Today is our unit test on critical thinking. The students received a study guide on Friday, so they should be well prepared for it. Our next unit will be geography. We will start by looking at maps and what the requirements are that make a map easy to use.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Propaganda Test

Today the students are taking a test on propaganda. So far they are doing very well on it! We will be wrapping up critical thinking this week, with a final test on Monday. A study guide will be handed out on Friday and the kids will get class time to work on it.

My numbers are dwindling...16 gone yesterday! I will do my best to stay on top of assignments your kids may miss while they are gone. In some cases I may even exempt a student from doing an assignment. I know they have a lot to make up, especially when they are gone for 2-3 days at a time. Stay healthy!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Propaganda Project

The students have been working hard all week on their propaganda project. They are required to find one example of each of the 6 techniques we have discussed in class. They have been finding these examples in old magazines. Once they have all their examples, they place them into a book and explain why they picked that particular add for that technique. These projects are due Monday, October 5th. Many of the students are already finished with their project!

Today I gave each of the students a printout of their grade so far. These need to be signed and returned by Monday.

They students also have a TV assignment due Monday. They are to watch TV and identify which technique the commercials are using. They have a worksheet to fill in for this. (Yes I am requiring your children to watch TV!)

Three things due Monday: Propaganda book, TV worksheet, grade report signed.