Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Holidays

Enjoy the break!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Careers is done!

Well, we finished our careers unit just in time for break. The students should have all their work turned in. After break we will start our unit on economics. This will take us through the semester at the end of January.

Thank you all for caring so much about your children and how they are doing in school. I feel very fortunate to work (and live) in such a great community! Happy holidays, enjoy some family time!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Careers is almost done!

Today in class we went through our pink checklist of everything that needs to be completed by Thursday, Dec 18th. This should help the students see what they are missing and need to complete. I do have extra copies of everything in my room if needed. Please see my previous post for the list of what needs to be turned in. Stay warm!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Careers Outline

Today we worked on our outlines in class. The students will also get tomorrow to work on them during the hour. These outlines should be completed by Monday. Each student will need their outline next week when we begin working on our projects.

Each student has a pink half sheet of paper with a list of everything they will be turning in for the careers unit. These items are due next Thursday, December 18th. Here's the list...

Careers Unit Checklist
110 points total

_____ 3 Tasks completed (15 points, 5 each)
Task One, I Make it Happen, Task Five

_____ Career Interview (10 points)

_____ Results from 2 computer tests printed (10 points)

_____ 2 jobs printed (10 points)
Overview, Task List, General Work, Interests, Knowledge, Preparation, Wages, Employment and Outlook

_____ 3 extras (15 points, 5 each)

_____ Outline and project (50 points)

Monday, December 8, 2008


This week in our careers unit we will be discussing non traditional jobs.  Jobs where a man or woman decides to work in an occupation made up of the majority of the opposite gender.  (Female police officer, male nurse)  

We will also start working on our outlines.  Each student will choose a career and create an outline about it. Then they will use that outline to create a project.  The students have this information in a handout.  These will be due Thursday, December 18th.    

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


We are continuing in our careers unit.  Due to some technical difficulties I am asking for your help.  All students need to have completed the O'Net test and the IDEAS test on the MCIS website.  This needs to be completed by Monday.  The instructions for this are listed in a previous post, the students also have written directions.  These tests can be taken from any computer with internet access.  Thank you for your help with this!  **If you think of it, ask your child what their interest areas were and if they agree with it.**        

Monday, December 1, 2008


Today the seventh graders were going to the computer lab to take an interest inventory on the computer.  Unfortunately, the lab was out of order!  Only two of my hours were able to go to the library (it was booked the other two). Hopefully we will be able to get to the computer lab sometime this week, but other classes are using it as well, which means I may need to bride some teachers to let us in there.  

This test can be taken at home if you have internet access.  Here's how...

-go to
-click on district wide, then media center, then careers (under class pages)
-click on my MCIS (upper right corner)
-under new users click on Create my MCIS
-enter the information in the red starred areas, make up a username and password (you will need this the next time we log in, please write it down!)
-click No, I do not want anybody to view my profile, submit
-click on the O'Net interest profiler (left side of screen)
-begin taking the test, hit submit after each question
-when finished with the test:
print your results (upper right corner of screen, by the star)
save your results (upper right corner of screen, by the star)